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October 20 - 24, 2003
Carol found herself in a hospital, where they planned to keep her till she gives birth
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Monday noon
Monday noon
Tuesday noon
Tuesday noon
= Sid reporting - Monday October 20 =

On Monday, a few hours past midnight, we had to go to a hospital, for there was an immediate danger that Carol could start giving birth at 32nd week of pregnancy -- our Little Hippo would be substantially premature, especially lungs would not be sufficiently developed, and the poor baby would have nothing to cry with, and worse, nothing to breathe with. At the hospital, Carol got immediately hooked onto a computerized monitor and pumped full of terrible stuff (MgSO4). This substance made her feel adequately sick. By the evening, her situation stabilized, so they moved her from "action" room to a "waiting" section -- where moms either wait to give birth, or recover from it.

Tuesday noon
Tuesday noon
Tuesday evening
Tuesday evening
= Sid reporting - Tuesday October 21 =

Who knows my wife, is aware that her mood depends on how well she had slept during the previous night. She did not have much sleep from Sunday onto Monday, but on Tuesday she woke up refreshed. She could have something for breakfast and later lunch; the only thing they did not let her consume freely was liquids, as with intravenous hookup they must measure water balance (oh yes, that applies in both directions; neither phase is pleasant). Her contraction faded away and thanks to magnesium sulphate Carol was quite relaxed (including her eye muscles, so her gaze was not very acute, preventing her from being able to read), but that's a welcome side effect for now. She was capable of getting up from her bed and walk, pushing a wheeled pole with an electronic queasy juice pump in front of her; out of bed, she had to wrap cables of the monitoring system around her neck, to avoid stepping onto and stumbling over them.

For Wednesday, they promise removing the IV and transition her to queasy pills. However, she is to stay at the hospital until she bears our baby full term, which comes in four (4) weeks. Neither of us looks forward to this kind of waiting.

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